【同义词辨析】 2019-11-12 延长extend-protract
extend: implies a drawing out of extent in space or time and may also imply increase in width, scope, area, influence, or range: ~ welfare services. 这里用extent解释extend,属于自释 extent是所有范围的基础词,对range的解释是range is the general term indicating the extent,即range泛指extent
lengthen: suggests an increase of length in either time or space: ~ the school year. 自释 延长针对长度,扩展针对范围
elongate: usually implies increase in spatial length and frequently suggests stretching: the dancer's ability to ~ her body.
prolong: suggests chiefly increase in duration especially beyond usual, normal, or pleasing limits: ~ed illness. (duration持续时间期间the length of time that something lasts or continues,如a contract of three years' duration三年期的合同,如the school was used as a hospital for the duration of the war战争期间这所学校被用作医院)
protract: adds to prolong implications of needlessness, vexation, or indefiniteness: ~ed litigation. (vex让人烦恼困惑to annoy, worry, or perplex someone,如a vexing problem令人烦恼的问题,如a problem that vexes cancer researchers让癌症研究人员烦恼的问题)
extend扩展: 指扩展时空中的范围,或增加宽度领域面积影响范围等,lengthen延长: 表示增加时空中的长度,elongate伸展: 通常指增加空间长度,常暗示拉伸,prolong延长拖延: 多指延长时间长度,超出正常合理适宜的限度,protract延长拖延: 比prolong多了不必要不确定让人烦恼的意思
记忆方法: 1) 首字母ELEPP重组为PE体育和PLE充满(to fill),充满体育<==延长体育时间
2) 延长的意思是扩展或增加长度mean to draw out or add to so as to increase in length.首字母ELEPP重组为PE体育和PLE充满(to fill),充满体育<==延长体育时间